FAQ: How to Delete Your Kleanapp Account

Q1: How do I delete my Kleanapp account?
To delete your Kleanapp account, follow these simple steps:
1. Login to your Kleanapp account.
2. Go to Settings.
3. Select My Profile.
4. Tap on Delete my Account.
5. Confirm by tapping the Delete Account button.

Q2: Will deleting my KleanApp account remove all my data?
A: Yes, deleting your account will permanently remove all your personal data, including your profile information and booking history.

Q3: Can I recover my account after deleting it?
A: No, once you delete your account, the action is permanent. You will not be able to recover your account or any associated data.

Q4: What happens to my upcoming bookings if I delete my account?
A: If you have any upcoming bookings, they will be automatically canceled when you delete your account.

Q5: Do I need to contact customer support to delete my account?
A: No, you can delete your account directly from the app by following the steps mentioned in Q1 above. However, if you encounter any issues, our customer service (support@kleanapp.co) is available during all work hours to assist you.

Q6: Can I use the same email to create a new account after deleting my current one?
A: Yes, you can use the same email address to create a new account if you decide to join KleanApp again in the future.